For your convenience, The Marsh Foundation has listed the most frequently asked questions and answers regarding foster care. If you still have more questions, please feel free to call us at 419.238.1695 ext. 360 or visit our Help Kids page.
How old do you need to be?
You must be at least 21 years old to become a foster parent.
Do you have to earn a certain income?
Do you have to be married?
Do you have to own your own home?
Can you be a foster parent if you work?
Do foster children have to have separate bedrooms?
How many foster children can I take?
Can a foster parent request specific ages or sex of foster children?
Can I be a foster parent if I have a criminal record?
What is the home study?
How long does all this take?
When can I have foster children come to my home?
What kind of assistance does the agency provide to foster parents in caring for children?
Are there babies or young children that need foster parents?